You know how all the teens of today get roped into silly websites where they chat amongst themselves almost constantly? You know the sites that you wouldn't be caught dead on because you know that you are too old and mature for them? Well, let me just say that I am officially a loser because I am totally into Facebook, lol. I have a lot of friends on there and we have such a good time keeping up with each other. I would never have thought that it would be so nice to be on such a site but I love it! I used to do MySpace a little bit but I really never liked the format. Facebook is a whole 'nother ball game though. It is nice to stay connected with my high school/college friends and my family in a way that doesn't seem too difficult. I can leave little one-liner comments on their statuses rather than writing a novel of an email to chat. I have spoken to my family more than ever since joining and that is a good thing. What's funny is that all the adults are chatting more than the younger family members. In fact, my 19 year old cousin asked me the other day why the adults are Facebooking all the dang time, lol. That cracked me up. Another cool thing about it is that it offers a Blackberry application so I am able to Facebook anytime, anywhere. Yes, I am an official goober but at least I can stay entertained whenever I feel boredom strike me. ;)
37 minutes ago
I hear ya about FB. I said I would never get on there...and HOLY COW the people that find eachother from our past. It is a lot of fun!
right there with ya babe! what an addiction! it is such a trip to chat with people from middle school and high school...way back in the day! :D I'm looking for you to friend...
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