I am not at liberty to discuss my surrogacy journey in full detail but I will say that the embryo transfer will be happening on either Saturday or Monday in Denver. Which day all depends on the quality of the embryos. If they are super then we will hold out for Monday. That is when they will be 5 day blasts (they will be in the process of breaking out of their shells). 5 dayers have a higher chance of sticking around. 3 dayers are good too but the embryologist can't distinguish which ones are the healthiest before transfer. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers this weekend as we go through this process to make a baby for some wonderful people. :)
I have other interesting news that I am dying to share but I cannot due to my blog being public. If you are a friend or relative, shoot me an email and I will fill you in. This news is pretty big. ;)
52 minutes ago
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