Monday, December 19, 2011

Almost there...

I am bursting with anticipation this week.  Have you noticed my ticker?!  We have our final walk-through of the house scheduled for Wednesday morning and then we close on Friday morning.  I can't wait to get the keys!!  We have movers scheduled for Saturday.  Saturday night will be spent with my family in High Point and then Sunday (Christmas) will be spent in our new home.  Christmas evening will be at my cousin Christine's, here in Concord.  I can't wait!


  1. What a fabulous Christmas present! Hope all goes well with the walk-through, closing and move :)

  2. congrats Brandy. it's looking to be a great week!

  3. This feels like 1985, all over again. I was pregnant and waiting for my baby to be born in March. It seemed like EVERYONE in the whole world had a baby for Christmas except me.

    Love your house - enjoy every inch of happiness!

  4. Tammi, thank you and I know what you mean! I had my first at the end of January so I felt a little empty handed on Christmas the year before. Just know, it will be worth the wait (I am sure you heard that a million times back then, lol).

    Thanks Sgt. Rich, it is going to be a remarkable week. I can't wait!!
