Friday, December 16, 2011

Ahhhh, those floors---*Swoon*

Looking down from the landing on the stairs

Please note that the trim guy hadn't finished the bottom trim on any of the walls.  He did it all last night and it now looks completed.  I took the photos at lunch.

The formal dining room-I wish we would have upgraded the window wall to jut out.  It would have made it an octagonal room.  Oh well, I won't complain though.  I love it!! (BTW-That weird looking pile outside the windows is our rolls of sod waiting to be put down.)

Love our entryway!  The ceiling is so pretty.

I took this pic to show the contrast of the family room carpet and the wood flooring.


  1. Absolutely stunning! Everything is gorgeous. Love the color combinations! It's all come together beautifully :)

  2. Thanks so much gals! I am thrilled with how well everything goes together. I was so worried that the floors and cabinets would be too dark but I see now that my gut instinct was right. They blend rather nicely.

    Jesse, I can say the same thing. I am totally jealous that you are pregnant and in your surrogacy journey. I can't wait to be back in your shoes. :)

  3. Oh it is just perfect. So jealous that you are able to get all that trim work - not an option here. Hubby will just have to do it when we move in. Love it!

  4. Gina, if hubby could do it himself, he would have. Carpentry isn't his thing but it would be so beneficial if it was! One thing that we didn't get Ryan to do was a coffered ceiling in the family room. We will hire someone to do that for us next year. Now I wish we would have just went ahead and got it, lol. At least it won't cost as much with someone else doing it. You are lucky to have a handy man under your roof. ;)
