Saturday, July 11, 2009

Boom Boom Pow, lol

After Sugery

Well, I am now on day 8 after my surgery and things are going well. My scars will take forever to heal but that's okay because no one should be able to see them (other than Clayton and myself, lol). It will take some time for the implants to drop but they already look better than they did a few days ago. I ended up getting 450cc high profile silicone implants. They were placed behind the muscle (called submuscular). I wanted to have the incisions in my armpit but my surgeon recommended under the breast. The scars are just far up enough that you can't see them under my top if I stretched upward. He did a great job and I am extremely happy. When asked if I had any problems, I told him that I just wish that they were bigger, lol. He laughed because about 90% of patients say the same thing. It didn't help that he told his assistant that he knew he should have went up to 550cc when I was in surgery. I really wish he had! Oh well, at least I now look like a woman rather than a child. That's what really matters. If any of you are interested in cosmetic surgery, you can go to my surgeon's website at: Doctor Gonyon was fabulous and I highly recommend him. BTW-I am also getting laser treatments to permanently remove hair from my underarms and bikini line. He gave me that for free. :)

Before Surgery-34A
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  1. Brandy, Hot Momma!!!
    The "girls" look great, I am so doing this...I talk and talk, but what am I waiting for...

    So as for recovery are you back to normal activity, etc... Any surprised re: surgery or recovery?



  2. Sweet! I'm jealous. I want some of those sooooo bad. You are one hot mama for sure!

  3. you look awesome...congrats on the new figure :)

  4. bam! you look HOT! :) So glad you're doing well and that it's been a quick recovery time for you.

  5. Color me jealous! I'm a 32 *almost* A so i can commisserate with the boy comments!! THey look so natural and feminine!
