Monday, July 06, 2009

A Fun Day at Coors Field-Rockies vs. Mariners (from 6/14)

Hayden and me sitting in the stands

My gal pal Melissa and her son Braeden (who refused to partake in the picture taking, lol)

The boys got to walk around the baseball field before the game started. It was a special day for little league teams. I believe that the boys enjoyed seeing the field from that perspective. Hayden is #6 and Braeden is #13.

The As team with their coaches

This was Hayden's first professional sporting event and he seemed to enjoy it somewhat. He didn't really care to keep up with the game but he loved getting junk food in the stands. Who can go to a baseball game and not get a hot dog? We ended up leaving halfway through the game and boy was it a good thing that we did. After our long walk back to the car it started to rain. Once we hit 25 to go home we we got pounded by a hail storm. Melissa's husband called and told us there was a tornado running along 25. Ugh!! We detoured and parked under an awning at Sonic. It was insane. We couldn't see hardly at all. Thank the Lord that the storm passed and we were able to make it home safely. The tornado supposedly was near the baseball stadium. Everyone there had to cram into the stairwells for safety. Boy am I glad that we didn't have to go through that.

1 comment:

  1. I loved doing that with my son. He always felt so cool, and it was a special day for him. Looks like you all had a fun time!
