Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi, Remember Me?

I am so ready for summer to be over with. It has been annoyingly long and the kiddos are ready to go back to school. I have been too lazy to update my blog. Here's a list of some of the things that we have done over the past month and what is in store for August:

2-Clayton's brother flew in from PA (my kiddos adored Uncle Cole)
3-had my boobies did, lol
4-drove up to Cheyenne, WY to visit Steph, Tom and Cole
6-Hayden had a fun playdate with his friend Colton
8-Hayden had his final tball game and pizza party, I had my first post-op appt. & laser hair removal (fun, fun)
12-Clayton began playing rec basketball
15?-middle of month-my family in NC decide to visit and I must make all the arrangements
19-Clayton had a bball game today and pulled his groin in the 1st 5 seconds, lol
31-Boys are going to Grandma Christie's until the 4th in Wyoming

1-Happy Birthday to my dear friend Natascha!
2-Happy Birthday to me! I have no idea where I am going or what I will be doing but it will something, dang it. No kiddos means we better take advantage of it.
3-helping my friend Johnna clean her house before she moves
4-drive to Casper, WY to pick up my kiddos halfway from Grandma's
5-I have my second laser treatment (it really is an awesome procedure and will be WELL worth it in the end to not have to shave)
8-10-Boys will be going to Aunt Steph's for a few days
14-My family arrives [Mom, Aunt Judy, Cousins-Chrisine, Sheila & Rachel (Sheila's daughter)]
15-alpine slide/ski lift in Winter Park
16-Elitch Gardens (used to be Six Flags)/Denver or Estes Park for the older folk, lol
17-18-South Dakota trip to see Mt. Rushmore and to do some other fun things
19-Denver Aquarium, Hayden begins 1st grade
20-Rachel's birthday (can't reveal the plans here)
21-Estes Park if we didn't do it earlier
22-My family leaves :(

I know I am forgetting a bunch of stuff but that's just what I could remember off the top of my head this morning. My family's trip has been incredibly time consuming in the planning department. I had to find all their tickets, get a rental SUV and plan out all their time here. They want to see CO and a few surrounding states. I love planning vacations (my major at NCSU was parks, recreation and tourism mgmt. with a concentration in commercial tourism so this is right up my alley) but it takes alot of time to put it all together. I have a basic outline of everything we want to do and I also have started a menu for the times we will be at home. I am a bit OCD so everything must be planned to the last detail before they arrive.

I also have our cruise coming up and we cannot wait!! We have been looking forward to it for a long time now. Our friends, the Barnes', are just as excited. We are going to have a blast. This trip took a lot of planning and I am so glad to be done with that part. We have paid for everything except souvenirs, food off the ship, rental cars and taxis while in port. That means that we have paid off the cruise, cruise tips (we paid up-front), airfare, hotel accomodations at the Wilderness Lodge for 2 nights before the cruise and Halloween party tickets for the Magic Kingdom. We are definitely ready at this point. Clayton won't let me spend money for the time being so that we can have plenty of spending money for our vacation. That's really beginning to suck, lol. Oh well, I will appreciate it later.

To help save money I just bought about $400 worth of groceries this past Sunday and saved $220. The checker almost passed out when she saw my savings. Considering that almost everything I buy is brand name it is shocking to find that I can save so much. I had to take the whole fam shopping with me because it took 2 cart fulls to get everything on my list. Thank you Grocery Game!

I have had people ask about how I am recovering from my recent surgery. I gotta say that it all went pretty easily and I am doing great. The 1st couple of days was a little bit uncomfortable but I was fine as long as I stayed on top of the muscle relaxers and pain meds. I quit the pain meds after 3 days and stopped the muscle relaxer around day 10. Heck, I travelled to WY on day 2 to celebrate the 4th of July. It really wasn't bad. On day 15, I woke up to something magical. They were soft! Up until that day they were hard as rocks and didn't look right. They were so tight and uncomfortable. On the morning of day 15, I realized that they could finally move and they felt real. It's amazing how natural the silicone feels. You cannot feel the implant at all. That day was the first time that I let Clayton touch them, lol. He was amazed at how soft they were too. Thank the Lord that I don't have rock-hard boobies any more.

1 comment:

  1. wow you have had a busy summer and more to come! Have fun with the family.
