Monday, September 15, 2008

A little bit of our new landscaping in the backyard

Fred put in a winding trail from the front to the backyard for Clayton so that he could easily take the mower back there. The stuff he used looked powdery and fine when he initially put it all in. He then watered it and it made it work kinda like cement, only softer. I believe he called the stuff "breeze". We love it!

This is the berm located in our back right corner of the yard. We got 2 "clumps" of aspen trees and a tall grass for it. The grass looks rather drab right now but that is because it has been cold lately and all of the tall tails on it got broke during transport. That's okay though. It will look good next spring.

This is the small berm located near the center of the back fence. It divides the area that the kiddos' play in from the grass. We have an aspen clump here, 2 junipers and 2 tall grasses (the tops of the tall tails got broken off on these also).


  1. wow! your yard looks great and i'm definatly tring your muffin recipe!

  2. how do you get that blog list like that with all your friends blogs??
