Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ready to go!!

We are only 2 days out from our return trip to Disney World and I am so excited! The kiddos are packed up and I will finish Clayton's bag/my bag today. I have a million things going on right now so I am a bit stressed out. I could be compared to a chicken running around with its head cut off. I am just ready to get the heck out of Dodge. It doesn't help that Clayton is having a bad work week and has had to work late some. Ugh. Just get me on a plane now!!

Check out these cute shirts that I picked up from Gymboree for the Halloween party that we will be attending on the 26th:

The boys are going to be so cute!

Clayton and I have been toying with the idea of joining the DVC (Disney Vacation Club). They just announced that they are going to start selling the new Bay Lake Tower units this Sunday. How perfect is that? Now we will be able to inquire about this location while we are there. Originally, we were only going to be able to talk about Animal Kingdom Villas with the DVC people because they had no info. on BLT yet. BLT is the only location that we are really interested in so that definitely works in our favor. We particularly want that location if we buy in because it is adjacent to the Contemporary Resort and we would be able to walk to the Magic Kingdom from it. All the other DVC sites are kinda far away from the MK and that doesn't appeal to us. We prefer to be on the monorail loop and this would allow us to have this luxury that we are used to getting while staying at the Polynesian (and that is the main reason we choose this resort).

Anyhoo, as of right now we don't see the money being completely worth it but we are going to still talk to the DVC people to make sure that we understand all the fees correctly. I sure hope we are wrong. Clayton has run tons of numbers to try and make the DVC seem worthwhile but it hasn't so far. As it stands, we are able to book the Poly every year at full rack-rate during peak season and it still is a better value. It would take 11 years of being a DVC member to actually start seeing any kind of value in it. The part that gets me is that after you pay the initial hefty fee to join, you still have to pay yearly maintenance fees that could be around the $1200 range (or higher). If we don't use our points, we would still have to pay that dang fee yearly until our membership ran out (year 2050). That is a lot of money and I have a hard time seeing that as a good deal. We are going to make sure that what we know is correct before totally poo-pooing the idea though. I really hope we are wrong because so many people have joined DVC lately but I have a feeling that Clayton has it figured out correctly and it wouldn't be a good deal. We shall see.

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