Monday, September 15, 2008

I can't remember the name of these shrubs but they sure are pretty. We have 3 planted to the left side of the kiddos' play area. They attract lots of honeybees much to my delight. Honeybees are so fun to watch and they tend to be docile. Hopefully they won't mess with H & E. The plants are small but tend to grow rather large over time. I can't wait until they sprout out and upward next year.

This is purple sage and it grows really well in CO. We have 3 against our back fence. They are pretty small right now but they get to be huge after a couple of years.
I would have taken a pic of everything together but I had the wrong lens on my camera at the time. I apologize for the quality of these photos because it was so sunny outside that I couldn't see the LCD screen at all to tell if the pics were worth a darn. Oh well!

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