Monday, October 01, 2007

9/27/07-Day #7

Hayden tasting different kinds of Coke products at Epcot
Emerson at Club Cool

We slept in a little bit this morning and then headed out to Epcot. One of our missions was to find Dad a Coca-Cola hat and thankfully there was a cool one at Club Cool (sponsored by Coke). We tasted several kinds of Coke products from around the world. I particularly liked a Fanta drink from Mexico that we don't have here. It was a pink fruity drink that tasted pretty good.

After that, we decided to use some more snack credits for some ice cream and then headed on to Figment's Journey Into The Imagination ride. We then headed over to World Showcase and they had alot of their booths up for the Food and Wine Festival. It wasn't supposed to start until the next day but I took advantage of it by trying some sushi from Japan and a cheese plate from Ireland. Yum! We stopped into the Kringla Bakery in Norway and got some schoolbread and lefse (sp?). The schoolbread was to die for. It is a custard filled bread loaf with coconut on top. The lefse was really good too. It's basically a potato bread tortilla that is rolled up with cinnamon, sugar and butter.

Dinner was at Le Cellier. After reading about how awesome this restaurant is and how hard it is to get reservations, I expected a lot from this place. It was just okay. I will go into more detail in my dining report. Anyhow, Emerson got to meet Brother Bear (Hayden was asleep) outside of the restaurant and he was thrilled. He lit up whenever a character would be nearby. It was so cute!

Emerson getting love from Brother Bear in Canada at Epcot

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