Monday, October 01, 2007

9/28/07-Day #8 (Part 1)

Hayden playing in the kiddie area near the pool
Big E chose not to get wet in the kiddie area, lol

Doesn't this look like a totally thrilled little guy? :)
The volcano pool at the Polynesian
We spent the morning by the pool area since this was our last full day. The kids had a blast playing and we did too. My Mom and Aunt went shopping around the Magic Kingdom and I shopped around our hotel. I ended up buying the kiddos a monorail train set that was way too big to carry home so the hotel took care of shipping it for me. That was wonderful. I also managed to buy my neice Audrey something along with Jasmine (my friend Natascha's daughter). Now I almost have Christmas shopping done. Yay!

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