Monday, October 01, 2007

9/26/07-Day #6

Clayton and Emerson on Dumbo
Mom and Hayden on the carousel
E, Mom and H enjoying Mickey ice creams
We started off the day at the Magic Kingdom for LOEMH (Little Ones Extra Magic Hour). Even though it started at 8am, a lot of people showed up for the event. We rode lots of rides in Fantasyland and had some Mickey ice creams just outside of the Tomorrowland Speedway. That was the first time that we used any snack credits. We were always full from our meals so snacks rarely sounded good. While everyone went to ride the Speedway, I secured fast passes for Mom and Clayton to ride Space Mountain. While they headed to lunch at Cosmic Ray's, I ran off to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad to get 3 fast passes for Mom, Clayton and Hayden. That was a lot of walking! They appreciated being able to walk right onto the rides though so it was well worth it. Unfortunately, as soon as my they got onto Big Thunder, it downpoured right on them. They exited the ride so wet that they might as well have jumped in a lake, lol. It rained so hard while they were riding that they couldn't even see. I am soooo glad that Aunt Judy and I sat down outside of a shop in Frontierland before the rain began to fall. Emerson was asleep the whole time so I just covered his stroller with a waterproof table cloth. He never even knew that it rained. Lucky guy.
We left shortly afterward to head back to the hotel. Judy and I grabbed some Dole whip floats on the way out and they were super yummy. Our hotel had a Dole whip dispenser in the food court but you couldn't get the floats there.
Our dinner reservations were at the 50's Prime Time Cafe in MGM so we headed out after naps. Our server was wonderful but the dinner was just okay. We headed out to Fantasmic after that. The show was good and everyone should see it at least once.
The boys and their Grandma Ronda at Fantasmic

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