Monday, October 01, 2007

9/25/07-Day #5

Mom and Hayden driving one of the Sea Mice
Clayton and Emerson on the lake
This day was our free day. We could do whatever we wanted to do as I had no parks planned. I have always wanted to rent one of the water mice to take out on the lake but just never got around to doing it until this morning. We got fitted for our life vests (which my belly made it a little bit difficult as they is no such thing as a maternity life vest, lol) and then got into our boats. Judy and I rode together and unfortunately got the slowest boat known to man. It was so slow that I was afraid to try and cut in front of the paths of the ferries for fear that my boat wouldn't make the turn fast enough, lol. Mom and Clayton's boats seemed to zoom all around without much effort. I believe that the boat rental staff gave us a slow boat on purpose because they knew that we might kill ourselves out there. It sure didn't make us look too good when we had to have one of the staff come into the lake to help us out. I accidentally pulled the cord that was attached to my vest out of the hole in the boat. It killed our engine immediately as a safety precaution. Judy and I both laughed about being rescued so it wasn't too big of an ordeal. We had a great time anyway.

We putzed around the hotel after eating lunch at Captain Cook's. I had a surprise planned for Mom and Judy at the Garden View Tea Room at the Grand Floridian. This was one of the highlights of the whole trip. We had little tea sandwiches, scones and some yummy desserts to go along with our tea. Everything was excellent and I highly recommend this place to everyone without kiddos. It was a great refuge from the screaming brats that I had encountered oh so many times over the past few days. It was quiet and very relaxing.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I ordered a surprise dessert for the gals from the Grand Floridian Bakery a week before we left. It was a Cinderella slipper made out of white chocolate and it had the best mousse ever inside. It also had a decadent chocolate mousse boat on the side. I couldn't believe how yummy it was. Gosh, I would give my right arm to have one right now. Mmmmm.....

We had dinner at Ohana and it was pretty good. I didn't totally care for the grilled meats but the potatoes and bread pudding were to die for.

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