Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wolfie, New Braces, and Coffee Roasting

Hayden received a cool Wolfie from his Grandma Christie and he LOVES it.

Emerson got braces last month (3/12/13).  Yes, he is only 8 and only has 4 permanent teeth right now.  This is phase 1 of his treatment plan.  He has 4 brackets to make his front teeth go over his bottom ones.  He had a bad cross-bite and it needed to be fixed before all his permanent teeth come in.  When he is a teen, he will begin phase 2 of the plan and get an entire mouthful of brackets to straighten them up.

This pic of Clayton makes him look like his hands are tiny.  I assure you that it is just a weird angle, lol.  He has been roasting his own coffee beans lately and makes the best coffee with our awesome Jura machine.  Guess how he roasts them?  He uses an old popcorn machine from 1985 to do the work.  Who knew that an ancient popcorn machine could be so cool?
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