Friday, April 12, 2013

The Newest Fun Way to Clothes Shop---Get Your Fix On! { A Stitch Fix Review }

I have to admit that I have been on a bit of a spending spree lately when it comes to my wardrobe. I have NEVER been like this in the past because I could always find something more important than clothes to buy. Fashion is something that has never interested me in the least. I love wearing jeans and a comfortable top on any given day. Well, my eyes have been opened to wearing more flattering, girlier, and trendier clothes. The one misconception that I have always had was that trendy/nice equates to uncomfortable/expensive. It doesn't have to be that way! Since I have no idea how to create a cute outfit on my own, I began searching on Pinterest and Google. It turns out that I don't have to knowledgeable about fashion, I just need a little direction. That's where an amazing company called Stitch Fix comes in.  They really fit the bill for someone like me. I get 5 items mailed to me whenever I desire (no monthly requirements) and they are chosen especially for me by a stylist that knows all my preferences and body type. Each item comes from a boutique designer and all pieces come with style cards affixed that show 2 ways to wear each garment. Since I am a fashion dummy, these cards are my saving grace on how to match things up.

Sorry for the photo quality and sizing.  I didn't have Clayton to help me so I used my iPhone and the guest room mirror to take these. To see it better, click on the images and the whole collage will enlarge. I will post better individual pics of my next fix.  I ended up keeping the red striped shirt and the navy striped skater dress shown above it. I wanted to keep the dress in the upper right corner but it washed me out horribly.  If it had been any other background color, I would have bought it. The scarf was gorgeous but too warm for this time of year so I sent it back reluctantly. The pistachio/black/white cardigan was a total no-go for me.  I hated the color, geometric design, and it puckered at my chest. 

Considering that I just had a baby 4 weeks ago today, I know that my boobs and waist are a little bigger than normal. I had to take that into account when buying these fitted pieces. I didn't want to note the larger sizes in my profile because then the stylists would send me clothes that would be too loose once I return to normal.

Here's how it works:

1. You fill out a short survey to get put onto the wait list. The wait can be anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. They are still relatively new and their popularity is now skyrocketing thanks to bloggers and pinners raving about them. It may take some time to get off the wait list but it is totally worth it. I think I got off the list around 2 weeks.

2. Once you get off the wait list, you will fill out a rather extensive survey so that they can accurately define your style and sizing. The more detailed you are, the better your stylist can "fix" you.

3. Schedule a fix. You will receive it around or on the day that you choose. You do not have to sign up for monthly shipments so it is nice to be able to get a fix whenever you desire.

4. When you receive your box, try everything on and decide what to keep and what to send back. You will have 3 days to decide. There is a convenient prepaid mailer for you to send items back via USPS.  I just stick mine out in the mailbox and the mail girl picks it up. Easy peasy!

5. After making your selections, you will go to your account on Stitch Fix and check out. Each item will have a small survey to fill out so that you can comment about what you loved and what you didn't. That helps the designers understand your tastes/sizes even more for future fixes. Your first box can be hit or miss, but subsequent boxes get better and better thanks to understanding your preferences more.

The nitty gritty:

You will pay a $20 styling fee to the designer before you get your box. If you decide to keep any of the 5 items, that $20 will go towards your purchase. In addition, if you decide to keep all 5 items, you get a 25% discount on the whole shebang. Love that!

Just a sidenote-I did not get asked to write this review nor did I receive any kind of compensation for it. It is entirely my own opinion/experience. I just really enjoy the company! If you decide to give it a whirl, please click any of the links in my post (Stitch Fix) to give me credit for sending you there.  I would much appreciate it as I am addicted at this point, lol. I am getting fix #3 next week and cannot wait to see it. :)

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