Friday, March 02, 2012

Our Dining Room

I faux painted the inset of the tray ceiling.  I used the wall color for the base and then rag rolled the light ceiling color (the one around the tray) over top.  This picture does it no justice.  It looks really cool in person.
Looking into the dining room from the bottom of the stairs (love the wainscoting!)

Sorry, I know that all of these photos suck.  I couldn't get get enough lighting and then it was impossible to get the whole room into a shot because of the way that the room is closed off.  I couldn't get far enough away to get a decent shot with my big camera so I had to use my little point-and-shoot.  The colors aren't right but at least you can get any idea of what I have been working on.
I swear that those curtains aren't that bright.  They match the rug better than that, I promise.  I think that they captured my flash too much because they are a shiny fabric.  
I still need to get some artwork up on the walls but I just haven't gotten around to that yet.  

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