Thursday, March 01, 2012

A Funny for You


How cute is Emerson with a mustache?!  He made me chuckle as he walked out the door.  He made sure to put his hand over his face before he walked out the door to catch the bus.  I guess he was a little 'stache shy, lol.  I wondered how in the world he would make it all day with only one hand available to actually do anything with but thankfully he got over it.  No, my kid didn't sprout man hair on his upper lip.  That's eyeliner.  He was supposed to be 100 years old for the 100th day at school last month.  I wanted to spray his hair gray too but I think that he would have put his foot down.  Oh well.

***I know I was supposed to post dining room pics today but I had a good reason not to.  The photos suck.  That room is really hard to take photos of thanks to the light from the windows, the glare of the mirrors in the china cabinets, the glare from the chandelier, and the way my door openings are.  Please forgive me.  I will try to take pics again tomorrow but I can't promise anything. 

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