Monday, February 13, 2012

Surrogacy journey #3 is underway!

I am thrilled to be jumping into the world of surrogacy once more.  Surrobaby #2 will hopefully be getting a sibling.  The parents have 2 frozen embryos left from our last cycle.  We hope that at least one can survive the thaw and snuggle into my uterus for 9 months.  Both embryos are girls so baby girl would be getting a sister/sisters if this works.  The intended parents (IPs) need lots of prayers and good thoughts as my IM is flying to San Francisco on Friday for her initial consultation.  I can't wait to begin this journey again with this awesome family and hopefully be birthing a new baby for them around the end of the year!!

1 comment:

  1. Will have everything crossed that one or both babies stick so they can add to their family. You really are amazing!
