Monday, January 30, 2012

Christmas 2011 (a tad bit late, lol)

The boys in their new jammies on Christmas morning
Hayden (age 8) & Emerson (age 7)

I never got around to posting around Christmas thanks to being too busy.  We moved into our new house on 12/23 so things were really hectic.  I managed to put up a small tree (our big one was buried somewhere in the garage).  We were living out of boxes and the house was a wreck, to say the least.  Anyway, I will share this one photo with you guys because all the others involve boxes and random crap in all the backgrounds, lol.

Just in case you haven't followed my blog over the years, we are visited by Santa' elves twice a year.  They come on the 1st of December to leave us our new ornaments and then they drop by on Christmas eve to give us our new jammies.  We never see the elves in action.  They just ring the door bell, leave the goods on the steps, and then they disappear.  It's so much fun.  We look forward to their visits every year.

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