Sunday, December 04, 2011

Drive By [12.4.11]

We now have columns and shutters.  All we need now are the decorative pieces that go over the bottom 2 windows.  After those things are done, I expect to see the lawn sodded and that ugly gas tank gone.  Wow, it is finally beginning to look like home. :)

It's hard to see the Santa Cecilia granite in this photo thanks to the plastic that they have taped over it.  At least we were able to sneak a peek underneath the plastic to see it.

It's gorgeous!!!

This pic gives you a better idea of how the granite ties in with the cabinets.  I wish the big part wasn't covered with brown paper but oh well.  I will get to see it all together soon enough.

Sorry I have no pics of the tile work throughout the house.  Everything that the tile guys did over the weekend is covered up.


  1. Looks great. I love the outside with the stone and the porch. The granite will look great with the cabinets.

  2. Looks BEAUTIFUL!!! You must be so excited!


  3. Love the cabinets and granite together!

  4. We took these same "sneak peak" pics. You'll be amazed when you can see everything tie in with the floors and countertops! I love the dark wood cabinets with the granite -- it's going to look fabulous!

  5. Thanks so much everyone! We are super excited to see everything tied in with the flooring. I am sure it will be cool. I am so ready to just move in!!
