Monday, December 05, 2011

December 1st-Traditions, New and Old

Hayden putting up his ornaments

Every December, we get a visit from the elves on the night of the 1st.  The sneaky guys ring our doorbell and then disappear before we can get to the door to catch them in the act.  They leave us 4 wrapped ornaments for each of us to add to our tree.  This year, Hayden and Emerson got the same set of ornaments.  They got a set of elves, Jingle and Jangle, that can hide in the tree like "Where's Waldo?".  It's a fun game and they seem to enjoy it.  Clayton got a NCSU Wolfie & Mrs. Wolfie ornament.  I got a pretty cupcake.  I do have pics of everything but I managed to delete them off my computer before I posted today.
Our own elf, Peppy

We started a new tradition this year involving the creepy elf pictured above.  He's from "The Elf on the Shelf".  He watches the kids everyday to make sure that they are good and then he reports to Santa at the North Pole each night.  The boys cannot touch him or he will lose his magic.  He has been instructed not to speak to the boys but he can listen to them.  When Peppy (the kids named him after Peppermint) arrives back each morning, he relocates himself throughout our place.  The kids have a blast trying to find him each morning.  Sometimes he gets into mischief.  Yesterday, he was found hanging in the blinds.
Clayton's ornament
Clayton reading "The Elf on the Shelf" to the boys (both are holding their new elf ornaments)
Emerson-7, Hayden-8

1 comment:

  1. A lot of my friends who teach have "the elf on the shelf" in their classrooms and all of their kids LOVE them. Too cute!
