Monday, November 28, 2011

Kitchen Cabinets

Emerson was checking out the hole where the double ovens will go.

I was happily surprised to see our cabinets yesterday.  The color is called 'espresso'.  They are supposed to be a really dark brown but I would personally say that they are black.  I love them!  I can't wait to see them with the Santa Cecilia granite that we chose.

I look forward to using all that valuable real estate on the island to cook and bake. :)


  1. The cabinets look great! They were a top choice for us but lost to the "butterscotch something glazed somethings". I did get the Expresso in the master bath, looking foward to seeing them first hand!

  2. LOL, the butterscotch ones do have a ridiculously long name. I can't remember it either but I do know what you are talking about. ;)

  3. Looks great! What is the counter color and do you have an idea of what color you might paint the walls?

  4. The counter color is Santa Cecilia. It's mottled looking granite that is light tan with gray/black/golden brown streaks throughout it. Our floors are really dark hardwoods so the granite will hopefully pop out. We also have white carpet in the living area that will hopefully balance out all the dark wood in the house. I am not sure about the wall color just yet. I would venture to guess that it will be a neutral light color in either taupe or gray. Once I move in, I will start throwing swatches all over the walls to see what blends in the best.
