Sunday, November 27, 2011

Drive By {11.27.11}---Stone is complete!

While we were away in the mountains for Thanksgiving, the house continued to take shape.  My wonderful new neighbor, Jessica, sent me a pic via Facebook so that I could see the new stone front.  I was so excited after seeing it that I couldn't wait to see it in person today.  All that needs to be done to the outside now is the shutters, the decorative trim over the bottom 2 windows on the front, and the 4 columns on the front porch.

For the inside, I was hopeful that the cabinets would be in and guess what?  They were!  Much to our surprise, the tile in all 3 bathrooms was almost completed too.  The tile has bits and pieces that still need to be filled in, but the majority is done.  I will post many photos this week to show you how everything is looking so far.  We love all the options that we have chosen. :) 


  1. It's been so much fun watching your house come together! I'm so jealous, your kitchen is massive! In fact, I am envious of most US houses as they are so spacious compared to what we have here in London. The kitchen counters look amazing as well. Thanks for sharing pics so I can be nosey!

  2. Hi Marja! You are right about the size difference when it comes to houses overseas. It amazes me how small kitchens are in other countries. My friend, Natascha, lived in the UK for a couple of years and she was amazed at how small everything was. I saw the photos and I swear she was living in a bread box, lol.

    Girl, you need to come over this direction. I could help you plan out your dream kitchen. ;)

  3. If hubby got a transfer to the US, I'd be packed and gone before he could finish telling me what city we're going to. I lived in LA for 10 years during college and even the apartments I rented were bigger than some of the houses over here!

    Storage space in houses here are almost non existent. Bedrooms are tiny. Of course if one can spend a boatload of money then you can get a boot sized box rather than a shoe box but house prices are seriously insane in the areas that a normal person would want to live in!

    One day we'll be back in the US. I'd kill to build a house from scratch you like you guys have! It looks like so much fun! For now I'll just live vicariously through you but when the time comes you'll have to come over and do a kitchen consult! ;)

  4. Love the stone color. I like how it is all different kinds of colors. Some of the options are pretty mono-tone and I love the multi-color ones - go figure we picked stone with several colors. I hope our stone goes up by next week.

  5. Marja, I hope you get to come back soon. House prices are amazing right now. It is definitely a buyer's market and the interest rates are ridiculously low. We got 3.75% interest on a 30 year loan and we are thrilled! Building is cheaper than buying a pre-owned house. We honestly tried to find a resale but the builders are way too competitive with the pricing. I just couldn't see paying so much for something that I was going to have to remodel when I could pay less and get everything that I wanted brand new from the start. I would love to help you design the perfect house one day!

    Gina, I prefer the multi-color too. It's so pretty!
