Monday, August 30, 2010

Menu Plan Monday (with recipe links)

This week is really busy and stressful so I am taking the easy road this week. ;)

Monday---famous pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans
These pork chops are fabulous and my kiddos actually request them. I hate pork chops but LOVE these! I change a few things up on the recipe though-2 eggs is plenty, use Lawry's salt in place of regular, bake uncovered and be sure to broil at the end for nice browning.

Tuesday---homemade pizza

Wednesday---turkey burgers, chips
Yummy! These burgers grilled up marvelously and tasted wonderful! I served them up on grilled homemade honey wheat buns saved from last week and loaded them with sliced Monterey jack cheese and fresh tomatoes from the garden.


Friday---out (I have a wedding cake to do that night so I will be busy!)


Sunday---pizza at Steph's

I will post reviews on recipes as I make them. If you look back to my previous menus, you will see my comments added. ;)

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