Friday, August 27, 2010

Best Pie Crust EVER!!

Holy cow, this is the best pie crust that I have ever had the pleasure of eating. I don't even really like pie crust. I have been known to take a spoon and simply hollow out a pie because I didn't want the crust to ruin the filling. To me, crust is only to help contain the pie and make it pretty. It has never been worthy of eating, in my opinion. I can now officially say that I have finally had a pie crust worthy of eating! This recipe is simply the bomb and my taste-testers agreed. My crust tasted buttery like a croissant and the texture was pleasantly flaky. It does take a little time to make but it is soooo worth the results. Trust me on this one. Go to this blog to get the deets on how to make this sinful concoction. She has it down to an art with easy to follow directions and photos to help you along in the process. Enjoy! :)

BTW-The pie pictured above was of the apple variety but this crust would be good for any kind.
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