Thursday, December 04, 2008

Sorry for the bombardment of posts today guys...I am a little behind, lol

It's that fun time of year again. The elves have been by our home to drop off some fun ornaments for each of us. Every year they manage to put a gift bag of them for us out on our front porch but we never catch them in the act. It usually happens on the 1st of December but we were a little late getting our Christmas tree up this year and I have a feeling that they somehow knew that, lol. Anyhoo, the kiddos were super excited and were ready to tear their ornaments open but I made them wait until Dad got home to partake in the fun too. They were a little disgruntled by that but it was worth it.

Clayton got the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story", Hayden got Kung Fu Panda, Emerson got Wall-E and I got Snoopy sitting on a gingerbread doghouse (I love the Peanuts gang). Every year we get new ornaments from the elves (namely Hallmark, lol). The plan is that the boys will have 18 special ornaments to begin their own trees once they move away/go to college. I really wish that we would have had the same tradition as we were growing up because Clayton and I had to start from scratch. When we were in college it was difficult to throw down alot of money for a measly tree, ornaments, lights, tinsel, etc. Hopefully my kiddos will appreciate this one day. :)
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