Friday, December 05, 2008

My Little Bakers...

I totally forgot about these photos sitting around on one of our disks so I thought that I would share them now albeit a bit late. I got both of the kiddos a set of kid's bakeware from Bed, Bath and Beyond last month. They were practically a steal for only $5 each. They each got an apron, cookie sheet, cake pan, whisk, cookie cutters, rolling pin and a storage bag. Hayden thought that they also got sprinkles but it ended up being those annoying silica gel packets to keep everything freshly packaged, lol.

Anyhoo, I let them make sugar cookies one night (11/19) and they really enjoyed themselves. I knew my boys liked to help in the kitchen from time to time but I had no idea how much they would like baking. As you can see from the looks on their faces they had a grand old time.
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1 comment:

  1. so cute. Jasmine got the same thing for Christmas last year. :) Still no chance you'll be in NC around Christmas? We miss you.
