Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sorry for the delay in posting these

Belly pic taken at 32 1/2 weeks (11/10/07)-See my belly button sticking out?! I have never had that before. Oh well, at least I don't have any stretch marks. ;)

32 1/2 weeks preggo

Can you believe how big I am? I am really beginning to wonder just how big this little guy is going to be. I have pics of me 2 days before giving birth to Emerson and I was about the same size that I am now. Eeek! Also, I have never had my belly button pop out before so you know that this little guys is sure packing on some weight.

I have a couple of pics below from E's 3rd birthday party from last weekend. He had a blast and I am so glad that he enjoyed himself. Hayden was jealous and is now asking all the time when his special day is going to get here, lol.

E blowing out his candle

E loved opening up his gifts
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  1. Aww, you look so cute, as does E! Getting closer!!

  2. Very cute!!!!! Where are you finding cute clothes??? I am 21 weeks pregnant and cant find anything cute!

  3. Wow! That's some belly!! Not too much longer though, huh? And I doubt you'll make it to the new year. Big E looks so Big! I need to see him so I can kiss him before he's too big for that! LOL

  4. You are so cute preggo! With each baby your body just knows what to do and before you know it, your popping! :)

  5. Aww you look so cute!!

    And Happy Birthday E!
