Thursday, November 08, 2007

Happy birthday to my sweet baby boy!

Emerson trying to hold up 3 fingers, lol
I can't believe that my baby is now a 3 year old. Wow, time sure does fly. Now that we are done with bottles, pacifiers, diapers, bibs and onesies, I just don't know how to feel. I love the freedom of having older children but I sure do miss having a sleeping baby to hold and snuggle. The only thing that deters me from considering a third child (other than Clayton, lol) is the loss of freedom that new mothers have to deal with. That and the fact that I don't ever want to go through diapers again. :P

Tonight we went to Chuck E. Cheese's to support a school fundraiser for Hayden's pre-k. Both kids had a great time but Clayton and I were not impressed. That place is always good for catching some kind of virus. You better believe that I had a bottle of hand sanitizer that we used frequently, lol. After I decided to blow that taco stand (so to speak), we headed to the grocery store to pick up the food items needed for Emerson's party on Saturday. I plan to make homemade barbecue like we have back in NC, some fatty mashed potatoes and chocolate cupcakes. Clayton's Dad and Wife will be coming as are his Grandmother and Sister. I will be sure to post some pics.

BTW, we didn't let E open his gifts today. He will be getting them all at his party. He didn't really seem to mind though since his Daddy gave him a Shredder figure from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He was preoccupied with him for the evening. If he only knew the goodies that were awaiting him! ;)
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  1. Oh, Man Brandy. He is getting so big and beautiful. I can't believe he's three already! What a big boy.
    Give him a birthday squeeze from me and Reed wants to know if we can come up for the barbeque. Nothing like carolina bbq. LOL

  2. Wow, I cannot believe he is three. Yikes! You know that means Slade is just a few months away! Where did the babies go?

    Congrats to Emerson on the big 3!

  3. WOW!! 3....

    I completly agree with you on the 3rd baby's 50/50 for me...diapers and loss of freedom are sure not fun!!
    But cuddling is!!

    Who knows what we'll do :)

    Happy B-day BiG E!
