Friday, December 26, 2014

Surrogacy #4

So sorry for abandoning my blog.  I am much more active on Facebook.  I tend to post photos and stories there, so I don't feel the need to blog here also.  My hope is to get back over here on the good ole blog in 2015, but I can't make any promises.

If you are curious about my recent surrogacy journey, here are the deets:

Cycle #1
11/1---transferred 1 beautiful fresh 5-day embryo in CT
11/5---received my first BFP on a home pregnancy test @ 4dp5dt
11/11---first beta results of 161 @ 10dp5dt
11/13---second beta results of 246 @ 12dp5dt
11/17---third beta results of 106 @ 16dp5dt
11/18---chemical pregnancy confirmed as beta continued dropping :(

Cycle #2
12/17---began Lupron injections for second IVF cycle
12/29---baseline ultrasound and bloodwork
1/13---lining check ultrasound and bloodwork
1/22---frozen transfer of one or two 5-day embryos in CT

The first cycle was a bust.  I was devastated and the intended parents were bummed.  It sucks to have everything look good and then for it all to turn south.  That's okay.  We have a new game plan for January and I have a very good feeling about it.  Please wish my IPs much luck for a 2015 baby (or babies). :)

BTW, I received Christmas cards with photos of my previous 3 surrobabies.  They are all so beautiful!!  Even though they aren't my kids, I am incredibly proud of them.  The pics are already prominently displayed on my fridge (along with their past Christmas photos).  I just love seeing these families everyday. :)

Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

Here are a few more pics from my trip for transfer #1 (my mom and I visited NYC):

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