Thursday, October 10, 2013

Uncle Jake and Aunt Judy's 50th Anniversary

My Aunt Judy is my "other mother".  She has always acted as a second mom to me.  My mom worked full time when I was little so my aunt stepped in to provide childcare.  I have always deemed her extra special since she played such a large part in my upbringing.  When her 50th anniversary desires for a big party came up, I offered to make invitations.  Originally, I was going to do a simple computer graphic one and print it through Shutterfly.  That ended up not happening.  I decided to make all 54 invites myself.  Besides the shopping and creating the rough draft, I spent a whole day putting them together (7:30am-11:30pm with just a few breaks for meals and picking up the boys from school).  It was a pain but well worth the ecstatic praise I got when Judy saw the invite for herself.  They are elegant and classy, just how I view her. 

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