Thursday, September 05, 2013

Stitch Fix #11 Review, My Backpack, and Pretty Macaroons

I got fix #11 last week and had a tough time determining what to keep.  I did not like the striped shirt at all so that was an easy one.  The pants (Kut From the Kloth) were perfect and I need more jeans so they were a definite keeper.  The pretty dress in the middle was a tough call.  I loved the color and pattern.  Clayton thought it was hot too.  The problem was that it had a hi-lo hem.  I know the chevron pattern is a trend that will go out of style but the hi-lo hem is a trend that I see disappearing before the pattern does.  I don't really like it either so I luckily don't own any dress/tops with it.  It pained me greatly but I ended up sending it back though I still question if I could have cut the back and hemmed it myself to a normal straight hem.  Sigh...  The open cardigan was something that I needed but it didn't lay correctly.  The collar is meant to be ruffly and pretty but it almost never looked right.  I am OCD so I knew that would drive me crazy.  But I need a cardigan like it!!  Maybe I will get a navy one soon that will make me happier.  The black/white striped dress was adorable and soft.  I need more black/white pieces as staples in my wardrobe but this dress didn't do me many favors.  It made me look really wide.  The horizontal stripes paired with the excess bunching of thick fabric around the high waist didn't do me any favors.  I thought that I would keep it until I saw a pic of me in it without a cardigan.  I looked weirdly wide.  Lord knows that is the last thing that I want, lol. 
This is my good ole backpack that I bought in the summer of 1996, just before starting my freshman year at NC State University that August.  I have had this bag for a long time and it pained me to see it falling apart.  Our last trip to Disney World did it in.  I saw it ripping apart while Clayton was wearing it and knew I would be throwing it away when we got back home.  It took a lot of courage for me to toss it this past week but at least I now have it memorialized here on the blog.  
Yum, pretty macaroons from Amelie's in Charlotte.

So, I have a love thing for these delicious treats.  Clayton bought me 2 of each flavor plus several pastries, tarts, and petit fours for my recent birthday.  The problem is that he accidentally ruined the whole $50 bounty before giving them to me, lol.  The night before my birthday, he walked into the bathroom (I was showering) and had a sullen look on his face.  I asked what was wrong and he sadly told me that he had all these yummy treats for me that got ruined.  He had went down to Amelie's during his lunch and purchased everything.  He put it all in a cooler and kept them at his desk until he came home that evening.  When he got home, he worried that the treats wouldn't stay cold enough (he was hiding them from me), so he made ice packs with plastic baggies.  You can guess what happened.  The baggies leaked and the box soaked up all the water.  All of the goodies (with the exception of 2 tarts and 1 pastry) were ruined.  It broke his heart and in turn, broke mine.  I knew he meant well and it still impressed me that he went to such lengths to make me happy.  I love that man so much!!  Anyhoo, I recently went to Cabo Fish Taco in the NoDa district with my awesome friend Jessica.  We decided to go to Amelie's afterward and I am so glad we did.  I brought home all the goodies Clayton originally bought and he happily helped me devour them.  If you are ever near the NoDa area, I highly recommend checking it out.  BTW, they have the best chai tea latte EVER.  

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