Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Stitch Fix #10 Review

Okay, I know that the blue pants don't match most of the tops. It is better than seeing the tops paired up with the pajamas that I was wearing before the box showed up on the front porch though. I always do photos in the downstairs guest room due to the good lighting. My bedroom is upstairs and I was too lazy to go get matching bottoms. :P

This box was just good but not great. I am starting to get really picky.  I bought the awesome black & white sweater shown at the top. The pants looked great with it but I just couldn't justify buying them. Nothing else in my closet would work with that color blue. The green top was out because I have bought a bunch of tab-sleeve tops lately. I really don't need another one. The shirt with the hearts on it had the cutest collar flaps but the beige color was horrid. I don't see how it would look good against anyone's skin color. It was also a little too dressy for my casual wardrobe. The blue striped shirt was sheer. It needed an undershirt and I just don't want to deal with layering it. It puckered ever so slightly at my chest and I don't really like sleeveless button-downs. It was easy to say no to keeping it.
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