Monday, July 22, 2013

A Fun Weekend With Friends

Clayton receiving a lesson on how to drive the jet ski

Back when we were in college, I found Clayton the perfect part-time job at a homebrew shop known as BrewBetter Supply.  When I came across the listing in The Technician (NC State's student newspaper), I called the number and got the info.  This job was perfect for Clayton and it was flexible with his school schedule.  It ended up that the store hours revolved around him and changed each semester, lol.  Well, the awesome people that hired him ended up being our lifelong friends.  John and Mary Jo have been around to see us get married, have kids, move away, and move back again.  They are really cool people with interesting lives.  We enjoy being around them.  They moved from Apex to the White Lake area a while back to retire.  Their house sits on a private lake.  We were invited to visit and that's just what we did this past weekend. 

John's AH-MAZING homemade pizza and the boys getting stranded in the lake immediately after leaving the dock (the battery was dead, lol)

Big E chilling in the lake

John pulling the boys on a tube via jet ski
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