Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day 2013

My 3 sweet guys

Father's Day was really awesome this year.  Clayton and I love to go big for holidays (wish I had remembered to post pics from my awesome surprise Mother's Day in uptown Charlotte).  The day started with black forest pancakes and we let him open gifts.  Emerson gave him 2 pieces of artwork and both boys made him a card.  E also drew him a "Bazinga" beer on his dry erase board, lol.  We gave him lots of candy, 4 sets of beer sampler paddles, and a new pair of shoes.  Let me tell you about the shoes.  First off, Clayton has an old pair similar to them that have started to fall apart.  I have been begging him to replace them but he is soooo picky.  He hasn't liked anything and we have tried everywhere.  Basically, all he wanted was a new pair just like the ones he needed to replace.  Sigh.  I went on a search for them.  Unfortunately, Gola does not make his old ones any longer and there is nothing available in the states that even come close to resembling them.  I found a very similar pair in the UK though.  After much deliberation, I decided to order them and hope for the best.  They got here and I was so happy when I saw how nice they were.  They were very close to his ones so I knew Clayton would love them.  It was the best gift I could have gotten him.  Yay!! 

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