Sunday, December 09, 2012

Halloween 2012

Hayden as Kid Icarus (it's a video game)

Emerson as Mario (this was an unusual choice of costume since he has been Jason, the Scream Ghostface guy, and a demon in the past, lol)

Emerson goofing off with his best friend, Murray

Clayton helping Hayden with his costume

Halloween night was a blast.  We went over to our neighbor's house and had a nice dinner party before heading out in the 'hood to trick-or-treat.  All of the kids from the party rode on the back of a trailer throughout the neighborhood.  It made trick-or-treating super easy on us parents.  Clayton and I rode on the back the whole time to keep an eye on all the kidlets.  Since I was almost 5 months pregnant, I didn't have to worry about wearing myself out.  It was a fun night.  I have many more pics but I don't feel right posting them considering that there were a lot of kids in them that I do not know very well.  Their parents may not approve of me plastering their faces on the Internet.   

{So yea, I am a terrible blogger lately.  I just haven't cared to update it.  Sorry about that but until this baby is out of me, I won't be spending very much time on here.}  

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