Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Newest Hobby (besides gestating)

I have been taking painting classes from an awesome studio in Asheboro called The Preppy Possum (feel free to check this place out on Facebook at: The Preppy Possum).  The talented owner/instructor, Nikki Cherry, makes painting an easy and fun thing to do.  My classes have been full of women that claim to have no creative skills (I am creative but can't paint worth a toot), and yet everyone has left the classes with a completed 16x20 masterpiece to call their own.  Her events are called "Wine Downs" as you are encouraged to bring wine or beer to sip while you create your work of art.  I am now officially hooked and plan to paint as many canvases as I can get my hands on!

The top painting is from my first class back in September and the bottom painting is from the class that I took last night.      

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