Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Proud Mom

I don't have any new pics to post but I do have some good news.  Both of my boys are going to the championship game this weekend!  Emerson's team will be playing the Red Sox (7-8 coach pitch league) in the morning and Hayden's team will be playing the Red Sox (9-10 kid pitch league) just before noon.  I think it is weird that both boys are playing teams with the same name but what's even weirder is that there is a kid who plays on both Red Sox teams (you can play up an age bracket if you are good enough).  Heck, now that I think about it, we have a kid on both of my boys' teams that does the same thing so he will be in both games also.  Crazy.  I hope we have a fun day of baseball on Saturday.  I am kind of bummed that the season is almost over.  My kids plan to play Fall ball so I guess we will return to the fields sometime after school starts.  I look forward to it!

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