Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Marlin Man

Hayden's team is currently undefeated in the 9/10 kid-pitch league.  He is one of their least experienced players.  The other kids have been doing this forever and they are really good.  He has learned a lot over the past couple of the months and is finally getting over his fear of the ball.  I am thankful that he is on a team with several wonderful coaches.  Without them, I think he would have gave up after the first couple of practices.  We have had to keep telling him that it takes time to learn how to play.  When he would get frustrated, it was hard to build his confidence.  He is now getting better and loves the game.  I am going to be as sad as the kids are when baseball season ends in early June.

Hayden has hit a couple of balls over the past few games and scored some runs.  Due to his recent improvement, he has earned 2 game balls.  We couldn't be prouder!!    
Listening to one of his coaches

BTW, I didn't get good pics of Hayden on this day but I will try again.

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