Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 Wonderful Years

My partner in crime (I think this was taken in 1998)

It's hard to believe how fast the years have flown by since marrying the love of my life.  We have been through thick and thin together.  I cherish every moment of it.  It's amazing how so many marriages don't work out in this day and I feel blessed that we have beat those odds.  We've been through college days, numerous apartments, 3 states, 3 companies for hubby, 4 houses (the building of the 4th one), 5 cars, 2 children, and 4 surrogacy journeys (2 resulting in babies).  We've done it all together.  I can't believe how lucky I am to be his partner in life.  Thank you God for giving me such a devoted and wonderful husband.  I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have him by my side.

I am going to make this short since I need to do some things before meeting my man for a hot lunch date.  If you want to read our cool and crazy story of how we got together, check out my previous post link: How We Met


  1. Isn't life grand when you have a wonderful husband!?

  2. That is awesome, congratulations! We're only a year and a half into being married and I love it :)

  3. Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you had a great lunch date!
