Tuesday, November 08, 2011

This Boy...

rocks my world :)

Today, I am now the mother to a 7 year old and an 8 year old. That doesn't sound right. Weren't they just 3 and 4? Geez, time sure does fly. Emerson (or Big E as we like to call him) celebrates his birthday today as a 7 year old. Since the boys were out of school today for election day, we went out for breakfast.  E chose Waffle House.  He adores their cheesy eggs.  Tonight, Grandma Ronda and Grandpa Bobby will be joining us for dinner and go-carts.  We tried to let E pick the restaurant but he wanted Rock Bottom Brewery (Clayton is so proud of that, lol) and there isn't one close by here.  His second choice was Bone Fish Grille (I was proud of that one!) but again, there isn't one nearby.  I think we have settled on On The Border but who knows where we will end up.  Regardless, we will have some fun afterwards.  I think we should go to the Nascar Speedpark to ride go-carts or maybe to Dave & Buster's.  We'll let him decide.

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