Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Emerson's 7th Birthday [11.8.11]

We don't have a house (yet!) so we chose not to have a birthday party for E (Hayden won't be having one in January either, just to be fair).  Instead, we took him to his restaurant of choice with my parents.  He chose Friday's.  He opened all of his gifts there and then he picked worms in dirt as his dessert.  I really wish I could have baked him a monster cake but all of my cake supplies are somewhere buried within the depths of our storage unit.  Anyway, Emerson loved his gifts.  He got an Under Armor sweatshirt like his Dad's, Sorry Sliders, Uno Roboto, Pokemon figures, money, Spongebob Legos, a Perplexus ball, an Angry Birds game, a dry-erase board with lots of markers (he specifically asked for that), and several new mans (he calls all action figures "mans", cute huh?).  

Being silly-He sooo didn't want his pic taken and we were obviously torturing him, lol.

Making a wish

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