Monday, November 21, 2011

Driveway and Drywall [11.20.11]

Our driveway, sidewalk and patio got poured over the weekend.  I was hoping to etch our name and year into it but missed the opportunity.  We also had locks put on our doors.  It is early to get the locks but we have good reason.  On Saturday night, we visited the house at 8pm to find 2 men inside.  They were not construction workers.  I busted in and asked why they were in my house.  They told me that they were door-to-door salesman and they were there to keep warm while waiting for their ride.  They had no sales stuff with them and they did not apologize nor attempt to leave.  I was pissed.  Their attitude was as if they owned the place.  I flat out told them to get out of my house and they didn't.  We went and looked around the house anyway and then I mentioned calling the police to my hubby.  That's when they went out the front door.  I reported the riff raff to my sales rep and my PM.  It could have been innocent but a house in another neighborhood had all its wiring removed while another had a fridge stolen.  New construction tends to bring about curious people who think that they can just take whatever they want.  Ugh..... 
the stairs will be dark hardwood
 Clayton checking out the morning room
tray ceiling in the master


  1. Wow, that is scary. At least our visitors have only been the four footed kind. I would definitely be locking the doors and going every day to make sure windows are closed and locked too.

  2. That's going to be such a beautiful home!! I'm so jealous!!

    And how weird about those 2 guys. Scary--and good call on the locks!

  3. Crazy, huh?! I can't believe I had the balls to talk to them the way I did, lol. I am a little girl and these were big thug-like guys. I just didn't care at the moment because it is my dang house. Believe me, I will be checking the house everyday.

    Thanks Jesse and good luck to you. Remember that you are PUPO right now. I can't wait to see the double lines!!

  4. go 'head and get some! haha. Not sure how the "castle law" works in that scenario. Glad it went the way it did.
    note to self, don't piss off Brandy.

  5. Ha ha! That's right. No one stands between me and my castle. ;)

  6. I carry OC spray in my purse and I'd probably have sprayed them, just to get some of my PMS aggression out. Probably would have gotten in trouble but seriously, the nerve of people!
