Sunday, October 23, 2011

Surrogacy #3 Update

Everyone keeps asking about surrogacy #3.  Well, I have great news.  My IM is going in for her initial consult in January.  Providing that everything goes smoothly, we are looking at a transfer around March 2012.  There are 2 frozen embryos from the last cycle that we hope will work.  They are both girls so surrobaby #2 would be getting a little sister or sisters.  I can't wait to begin all the crazy drugs and getting things cooking. :)


  1. Congrats on the job. And good luck with #3. That is awesome that you can do that. My body hated being pregnant, so I'm good with the two I have, but I don't ever want to be pregnant again - unless I want to spend all of it on bedrest. You have a very big heart. Way to go.

  2. Awww, thanks! Honestly, I just love being pregnant. Surrogacy allows me to experience multiple times without expanding my own family. It is a win-win situation for me, lol.
