Monday, October 31, 2011

Moving Right Along [10.31.11]

Our second floor got framed today.  I wish I would have gotten a pic of the house before they wrapped it with plastic, but oh well.  I am so excited!!
This shows you how our lot is configured.   We chose lot #445 for privacy.  We will only have to deal with one neighbor being close to us and that is fabulous.  Everything should work out great as long as #444 doesn't have loud, obnoxious kids or a yappy dog.  Our lot looks small on the drawing but it is actually not.  All of these lots are quite spacious.  Ours is just smaller than the rest.  We are already dreading how much yard we will have to take care of.  It is almost twice the size of our last yard in Colorado.  I am so glad we aren't on #441.  We hate big yards and the work that goes with it.


  1. Hi! I stumbled across your blog tonight from another Ryan Homes blog. My husband and I are building in the same neighborhood/section that you are. You've made some beautiful selections! Lots of luck!!!

  2. Looks like we are coming up right behind you. Our second floor will go on today (Tuesday)! Look great.

    I can understand about lot size. My mother in law picked a similar type lot in order to not have such a big yard. Luckily, no one has purchased the corner lot next to her and probably never will. She has tried to purchase it herself, but the owner is an idiot and won't lower his price even though he set it several years ago when the market was good.

  3. Thanks Stephanie! Which lot did you guys buy? I can't believe I have found 2 of my future neighbors on the net. How cool!!

    Gina, we have always said that we want as small of a lot as we can get but this one is bigger than the plan makes it seem. We thought this one would be tiny but after seeing it with the house on it, we realize that it is way more than we could ever want. The kids are going to have a ton of room in the back yard to play. Maybe I will grow a few gardens back there.

    I hope for your MIL's sake that no one buys the lot next to her. That is awesome because she has privacy. I love neighbors for the most part, I just don't like being so close. Our last house felt like a fish bowl. Our lot backed up to another row of lots so I had neighbors on all sides. There was no privacy at all. :P

  4. Brandy, we purchased lot 468. We close on Dec. 2nd and we're beyond excited!!!!

  5. Are you the Verona with the rocks on the front?

  6. Things will really start to fly from this point on! It's amazing how much things change from day to day!

    Stephanie - I'm the "other" neighbor in LP Brandy found via blog/net :)
    We moved in last week. We're one of the patio homes on lot 612 (I think I remembered correctly)


  7. Stephanie, your house is so pretty! I bet you are counting down the days now. You are so close to closing. Do you know any of the people near you? We trick-or-treated at the house across from you and the big one up from it last night. :)

    Jessica, it is moving insanely fast right now. I drive by daily to see the progress. This process has been so much fun! I love seeing our lot become our home.

  8. Thank you!!! Nice to "meet" you both! We've met a few of our neighbors (the ones across the street from the front and a couple of families from the patio homes around us). They are all so nice! We're really happy about the neighborhood.

    Jess - Congrats on moving in! I'm very jealous!!! :D
