Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Franken-Hayden (10/13/11)

I kept my cousin's twin boys last week and stayed in her house.  It was kinda nice to pretend to be homeowners again, lol.  My boys and her boys get along really well so they opted to sleep 2 boys to each room every night.  Hayden was goofing around with his cousin Aaron when he got pushed off the bed.  He ended up hitting one of the bed posts.  Clayton and I had just gotten into the hot tub outside when Josh ran out the door to tell us that Hayden was bleeding from his head.  We were panicked.  Clayton ran to check him out while I grabbed medical supplies and pain medicine.  He had a nice gash on his forehead.  I wasn't sure if he needed stitches so I texted a photo to my sister-in-law Stephanie and my cousin Christine (they are both nurses).  Both agreed that we needed to take him to a doctor.  Unfortunately, it was after 10pm and most urgent care places were closed.  I tried to get to one in Huntersville but it had just closed at 11pm.  I got there at 11:04pm.

We ended up going to the ER at Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast.  The waiting room was full of people but we didn't have to wait very long.  The doctor and nurse that he had were phenomenal!  They kept him calm and distracted throughout the whole ordeal.  He did so good.  After Hayden was all stitched up (a total of 3 stitches), he was discharged rather quickly.  We got home just after 2am.  I can't say enough about what a great experience we had there.  I highly recommend that hospital.

H looks so cute with his wound.  He didn't want me to remove the stitches tonight but it needed to be done.  Hopefully he will make it through childhood without needing any more.

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