Thursday, September 15, 2011

Progress, maybe...

We may or may not have sold our house last night.  Considering the way things went back in July (our house sold but then had to return to the market 2 weeks later because the buyer's loan fell through), we aren't jumping up and down just yet.  We have our guards up.  Last time, we jumped for joy and immediately joined the country club here in Concord.  Big mistake.  We won't do that again.  We will wait and see that everything is going to work out before we get excited.  The good news is that these buyers put down more earnest money than necessary and they have a rather large down payment.  It looks great but I am still very cautious.  If our house does indeed sell this time, the closing date is currently set for 9/14.  I have said many prayers and crossed all my fingers/toes that this time it's for real.

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