Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hawaiian Sweet Bread Rolls

These rolls are remarkable! They are fairly dense with a super soft middle. The pineapple makes them sweet. I prefer to use vanilla over the coconut extract but that's just me. If you don't have a bread machine, these are really easy to knead by hand. The dough really doesn't take much work. When I baked this particular batch, I put them in a round pan and let them cook together. We have since had them baked apart on a baking sheet and we prefer that method. I have a ton of these dough balls in my freezer waiting to be cooked later on. All you have to do is put the dough balls onto a sheet pan and stick them in the freezer to flash freeze for 25-20 minutes. Gather them all into a Ziploc and pull them out whenever you want them. I usually put them on a sheet pan covered with a kitchen towel after lunchtime. They sit at room temp for 3-4 hours (or until doubled) and then I bake them per instructions.  The link to the recipe is provided below. :)

Hawaiian Sweet Bread Rolls

1 comment:

  1. They look heavenly!

    Have a great cruise and please tell Natascha hello for me!
