Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy birthday to my first-born!

Today, I am now the mom of a handsome 8 year old.  Wow!  That really blows my mind.  I feel so old, lol.  Hayden is such a sweet little guy and I am proud to be his mother.  We will be celebrating a little bit today but his party will be 2/18.  He chose the Paul Frank space monkey theme and I cannot wait to do his cake.  I have a vision that it will be a 2 or 3 tier cake with blue fondant.  I will make each layer different and the monkey face will be prominent. Since he chose the space monkey, it will also have some space-y looking things on it too.  It's going to be awesome!

We gave him a few small gifts today: a new DS game, Paul Frank underwear (which are ridiculously cute!) and some Paul Frank socks.  We will give him some Paul Frank pajamas and a toy that he has really been wanting at his party. :)

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